Disability insurance


Disability Insurance

With Zurich EmploymentRisk, you secure your income in the event that you become unfit for work due to illness or an accident. 

Everything you need

More than 80 percent of cases are due to illness

Illnesses are the most common cause of disability. Unfortunately, most people are not sufficiently protected against the financial consequences of a disability resulting from illness. This is because the benefits provided by the 1st and 2nd pillars are often insufficient in the event of a prolonged or permanent loss of income.

Pension secured until retirement

Daily sickness benefits insurance pays out daily sickness benefits for a maximum of 730 days. With Zurich's disability insurance, however, your income is secure right through to your regular retirement.


For young and old

Disability insurance is worthwhile for anyone and everyone, be they old or young, employed or self-employed, working in an office or in the great outdoors. After all, it's not just physical ailments that lead to disability, but mental illnesses too.

Important for all

Unfortunately, an illness or an accident can affect anyone and everyone. It is therefore important to protect yourself from the financial consequences of a disability.


Be it paid work or looking after the kids: Mothers and fathers run the risk of being out of action for prolonged periods – both at home and at work – in the event of an illness or accident. That's why both parties should take out good insurance.

Unmarried couple

(Un)married couples

Are you married or cohabiting? Do you have your own home with a mortgage? Does one of you work part-time or not at all? These factors influence your pension situation as well as how much money you need.

Company founder

Freelancers or company owners

Freelancers or company owners generally don't belong to a pension fund. That means that you don't get any pension from the 2nd pillar in the event of a disability. Make sure you're covered in case something happens to you.

Insurance benefits

  • You will receive your full pension in the event of a disability of 66.6 percent or more. In addition, you no longer have to pay the insurance premiums in the event of disability. We'll take care of that for you.
  • You can also take out disability insurance together with savings insurance or other risk insurance. That way, you benefit from a lower premium.
  • You can also take out the premium for disability insurance as part of pillar 3a. In this case, you can deduct the premiums from your taxable income up to the maximum amount.
  • The minimum insurable disability pension is CHF 6,000 per year. The minimum term is three years.
  • The insurance generally applies in the event of disability resulting from illness. Consequences of an accident can also be included as an option.
  • We let you share in our success: You pay lower premiums if we achieve greater profits than expected (participation in surpluses).
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Man and women

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Children′s insurance

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Protection for your child

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A father and son laughing together.

Optimum protection

Accident insurance, as an add-on to your mandatory insurance, gives you optimum protection at home and in your leisure time.


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denly disabled – what now?

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Make your retirement provision a priority!

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Good retirement provision for part-time employment too

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